Soil Sampling & Analysis
Learn how primed your soil is for growing a happier, healthier yard.
Soil sampling is an important component of your turf health, as it helps to manage the nutritional values (NPK) and pH (acidity) in your lawn's soil. In addition, these tests help determine the quantities of lime and fertilizer nutrients that should be applied to lawns and gardens.
In Lenawee County, our sandier soil often has difficulty maintaining potassium. This element is extremely helpful in combating many lawn diseases and stress (including drought stress). Most lawns that our team samples need at least some potassium, in part because many lawn companies don't take the time or understand the need for this critical element. Potassium may not be as flashy or showy (or as inexpensive) as a quick-release nitrogen application, but all of these plant and turf nutrients are critical and need to work together for a healthy lawn.
At KAS Lawn Solutions, whether your lawn is in the greatest shape or worst shape ever, we recommend a soil test every year or two to determine any required corrections to the soil to keep your turf, lawn, and plants as healthy as possible.
What to Expect
Our trained expert will come out to your residence to methodically pull soil samples at the proper depth. We then ship these samples to our preferred lab for their expert analysis. We interpret the sample data for you, customize your treatment plan, and recommend one of our KAS Lawn Care Programs to help take your yard to the next level!
Let's get started – just call us at (517) 673.9928 or click here to get your free quote today!