Exterior Home Insect Control
Protect your home from pesky indoor and outdoor pests.
Exterior Pest Control Solutions: Fed up with pests invading your outdoor space? Let us help you eliminate them!
Because pests invade your home from the outside in, one of the best ways you can protect it is to create a protective barrier to keep them out. That's why well-timed treatments during warmer months can help guarantee you'll have a pest-free home for the entire year.
At KAS, our experts:
Treat your home from the eves down to the ground (grade), which is more effective than just a perimeter treatment.
Apply the formula with a hose and “gun” that is able to reach high up to the soffits and eves of your home for the most effective treatment.
Use an oil-based formula instead of a water-based formulation like our competitors. This gives our formula 3-6 weeks of residual control depending on the weather.
Mix ALL our sprays with iron-filtered AND softened water to minimize water spots on your windows. However, you may still see some left behind from the product itself.